Hanashi-no-Rokku ^^ Cóż, jeśli chcecie podsunąć mi jakiś pomysł... Chętnie zapraszam do napisania tutaj! Czytam wszystko i uwzględniam.. Prawie wszystko :D
Bardzo ciekawa strona, widać włożony trud i zaangażowanie.
Zapraszam też na strony:
Wyburzenia - zwzpirek.pl
Cegielnia - cegielniamichalow.pl
Cytaty - boheas.com
Dada - dada-jd.com dada 23-05-2019 20:26  Jeff,I've been off the radar for quite a while, but your article at Truthout was one of the first I read when I rfcsreaued a couple of days ago. [I immediately made it the subject of my first comments at Glenn Greenwald's and Marcy Wheeler's places.] Now I find that Scott Horton at Harper's has also written about this development.Congratulations and Thank You!PS: I've just read at Andy Worthington's site that Omar Khadr should be back in Canada by the end of May... aShYjsxVlLp 09-07-2015 19:54 |